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Health & Safety Policy

NZ Machine Hire Limited is committed to ensuring the safety of our workers and customers, as well as that of visitors and contractors on the company premises.

We recognise the positive impact that enhanced health and safety brings to the business, our workers and our stakeholders.   

We consider Health and safety to be everyone’s business, and therefore everyone is expected to share in our commitment to minimise risk to effectively reduce the incidence of workplace accidents, which may cause personal injury, property damage or loss of any kind.  Workers are encouraged to be involved in decisions concerning; changes to facilities, work procedures, or any other area that may affect the health and safety of workers and other visitors to our workplace.

Our goal is to try to eliminate all workplace injuries, incidents and illnesses because we believe that this will benefit everyone involved. Where injury has occurred, we will work with the injured party to ensure, where possible, an early and safe return to work.


NZ Machine Hire Limited will provide and maintain a safe working environment and actively assess workplace risks and manage workplace hazards including any high-risk machinery. All reasonably practicable steps will be taken to prevent harm occurring to workers and other people at our workplace and their health, safety and welfare will be actively promoted by: 

  • Complying with all relevant health and safety legislation, standards and codes of practice.

  • Ensuring the PCBU (business owner), officers and workers understand, actively participate, and are accountable for health and safety as we exercise our duties.

  • Providing training, to assist in the promotion of a healthy and safe workplace.

  • Ensuring all contractors, sub-contractors and visitors recognise the need to comply with the company’s health and safety practices.

  • Encouraging workers to recommend practices, which enhance the health and safety standards and to continuously improve health and safety practices. 

  • Supporting, through appropriate rehabilitation and return to work strategies, any workers who are injured at work.

  • Actively assess workplace risks and manage workplace hazards with timely and appropriate controls.  


Individual workers are expected to co-operate in the objective of making this a healthy and safe workplace and therefore are required to: 

  • Observe and practice safe work methods, rules and instructions relating to their work. 

  • Report any unsafe work condition, unsafe work practices, any faulty appliance or piece of equipment, any accident and/or incident to their manager immediately. 

  • If it is within their abilities, to minimise and eliminate workplace hazards/risks wherever possible. 

  • Wear the relevant personal protective equipment required for their place of work. 

  • Ensure that no action or inaction by them will cause any harm or injury to any other person. 

  • Are encouraged to participate in the continuous improvement of the company’s health and safety practices.   


Our policy will always be to comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, the Regulations made under that Act, and all appropriate and relevant Codes of Practice, Standards, and Guidelines that apply to our business.

Excavation Shoring

In New Zealand, Health & Safety Regulations require notification be given to the HSE inspector if trenches are deeper than 1.5m.


Requirements and options for safe trenching are given in the Worksafe Good Practice Guidelines for Excavation Safety.


In summary these are:


Excavations greater than or equal to 1.50 deep must be shored unless:

(a) The face is cut back to a suitable slope or benched or

(b) A registered engineer certifies that safety precautions taken are adequate.

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